

True West knows that legal consultation and representation is necessary in every stage of establishing and running your RIA. We partner with legal support to provide a comprehensive solution for your firm.

our legal partners

True West partners with attorneys that assist with legal challenges from new firm setup to legal representation. We look to provide the right level of service for your needs.

Legal Support Services Include:

RIA Entity Setup

True West can assist with entity setup, including advice on creating your legal entity, organization documents, adviser agreements and investment advisory agreements.

General Counsel Services

Our legal support services include reviewing contracts such as employee, adviser and transition agreements, as well as advising on matters such as client disputes, arbitrations, and regulatory inquiries.

General Business Consulting

Our legal support team can assist with advising on firm strategy, leadership challenges, enterprise risk management, corporate governance and government relations.

Legal Representation

Our legal partners can assist with representation in SEC audits, disclosure requirements, disputes and expungement requests.

Partner With Us

True West partners with firms that can provide logic and value for our clients and specialize in the independent RIA space. Reach out here if you’d like to be considered as a future partner.